Privacy Policy
Kid story: Hindi video stories
Last Updated: JULY 15, 2019
At Kid Story : Hindi Video Stories (here in after "App"/"we") recognize that privacy is significant. We
provides this Privacy Policy to inform users of the application (the "Application" or "Applications"), the
related services we provide ("Services") and the Site about our policies and procedures regarding the
collection, use and disclosure of information.
This Policy is part of our Terms of Service and applies to the information that is collected in connection
with the download, installation and use of the Application, related services and the Site. By using the
Application, related services or the Site You signify your assent to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree
with this Policy, or with our Terms of Service, do not download, install and / or use the Application.
This Policy covers our collection, use and disclosure of your information through the Applications, the
Services and the Site. It does not cover any collection, use or disclosure by third parties through any
applications, Web sites, products or services that we do not control or own, or any third party features or
services made available via an Application, the Services or the Site. All trademarks, trade names, and
logos of third parties featured on the Applications or the Site belong to their respective owners.
The Application is intended for people who are competent to contract under applicable law. Individuals
who are considered a minor in applicable jurisdictions are not permitted to use this application unless the
complete Agreement is seen and agreed by parents or their legal guardians under applicable law.
we also disclaimer that we are not responsible for any audio content or any event that declare in Audio.
All the Audio are user generated content so it's do not guarantee that all are truth. We are not hosting any
audio we just provide facility to access them using URLS. Its public URLS so anyone can use it.
What Kind of Information We Collect
Personal Information
We do not collect personal information. Personal information is the user's geographic location
information, name, address, mailbox, telephone, fax, information stored on the device, and
information used to identify the user himself or others when using the application, service or
Non-Personal Information
We may collect Non-Personal Information about users whenever they interact with our apps.
Non-Personal Information may include the information about your devices, including the list of
installed apps on your devices, and technical information about users means of connection to
our apps, such as operating system version, phone model and other information.
How We Use Collected Information
Personal Information
Since we do not collect Personal Information, we may not use your personal information
in any way.
Non- Personal Information
We may use Non-Personal Information for any purpose as below:
To personalize user experience. We may use your Non- Personal Information to
understand demographics, customer interest, and other trends among our users;
To help develop our service. We may use Non- Personal Information to provide,
maintain, improve and modify the Applications, Services and the Site and
develop new services;
To further develop App business. We may use Non- Personal Information for
promotion and marketing purposes.
How Your Information May Be Disclosed
Personal Information
In general, we use Session and Usage Data internally to serve our Users and enable
them to take maximum advantage of the Applications, the Services and the Site. We do
not store Personal Information and therefore we do not disclose your Personal
Non-Personal Information
We may disclose Non-Personal Information to our trusted partners who shall comply with
this privacy policy and the relevant privacy laws. We do not combine Non-Personal
Information with Personal Information (such as combining your name with your unique
User Device number).
Third Party
In general, the Applications, the Services and the Site access third party information (such as
your Facebook account information) through application interfaces. We may provide links to third-
party Web sites, such as Facebook, as a service to our users. The Site may also carry
advertisements from other companies. When you click on links of third parties in an Application,
the Services or the Site, you may leave the Application, the Services or the Site. We do not
collect your information on and through and This Policy does not address, and we are not
responsible for, the privacy practices of Web sites operated by third parties, whether they are
linked to or otherwise accessible from an Application, the Services or the Site. The inclusion of a
link or accessibility of third party Websites does not imply endorsement of such third party
Website by us.
The information that you transfer and share through the Application, the Services and/or the Site
may be intercepted, collected, used and disclosed by third parties. We are not responsible for
any interception, collection, use and disclosure of your information by any third party. Please
choose other ways to transfer and share if you have higher security requirements.
Application may conation some third party packages like Flurry, Splunk mint to monitories
behavior of user towards app. This tool may access some non-personal information to generate
reports for us.
Application is very concerned about safeguarding the confidentiality of your information. We do not collect
Personal Information, and we employ administrative, physical and electronic measures designed to
protect your Non-Personal Information from unauthorized access and use. Please be aware that no
security measures that we take to protect your information are absolutely guaranteed to avoid
unauthorized access or use of your Non-Personal Information which is impenetrable.
Sensitive Permission
We may ask for reading and writing permission from storage group and asking for read phone state
permission. We ask such permission to write our content to local storage and read them from locally
which make application behavior smooth and we may ask phone state permission to handle playback
media file during incoming and outgoing calls.
Other Permission
Application is using INTERNET and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE to check is internet is currently
available or not on device for completing task.
Contacting Us
If you have any questions or comments about this Policy or our privacy practices, or to report any
violations of the Policy or abuse of an Application, the Services or the Site, please contact us at
Ad Info
We are using Google Admob for application monitoring and as Ad serving site you can check their policy
and terms of service at hear Ad support
Changes to This Privacy Policy
We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter this Policy at any time.